I sent the following questions to some of the movers and shakers in the woodworking industry:
1 - When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you remember what attracted you to your goals?
2 - How did your goals as a kid translate - if they did - into what you are doing professionally now?
I think the answers I got were really instructive and maybe helpful for those we know who are pursuing a dream. Let's let the people speak for themselves. The final entry in this series is by Thomas Lie-Nielsen, the founder and owner of Lie-Nielsen Toolsworks and one of the most important pioneers in the current hand tool revival. The previous entry in this series is by Christopher Schwarz.
Thomas Lie-Nielsen -
1 - When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? Do you
what attracted you to your goal?
Growing up around my father's wooden boat shop, naturally all I wanted to do was build boats. When I went to college I got confused and wanted to be a lawyer, then an English teacher. Fortunately, I woke up when I went to work for Garrett Wade.
2 - How did your goals as a kid translate - if they did - into what you
are doing
professionally now?
The men who worked at the boat shop were inspiring craftsmen and hard workers. They could make anything they needed, and did. Seeing that, it always seemed natural to me to make things, wood or metal. It was a pretty short step to making tools.